Summer Film Festival 4 Elements

09. 08. 2014
Kultúrne centrum

The Help of Film Avant-garde

(text: Martin Čihák, maker of the sellection, 90 min.)

A lot of wild cinematography is all around us. It is so much, that this “much” just in terms of its quantity grows in “power”. Therefore be the power of “wild”, moderated by this short introduction to avant-garde film, which we will introduce on the selected examples so as to capture the entire diversity of its six fields:

Absolute film 

Neat film 

Avant-garde film 

Harvest film 

Structural film 

Spontaneous film 

At the same time we will try to outline where wealth of avant-garde film lies and why it makes sense to try to open it. Leave reduction of cinema, as the registration of local movement, as we are constantly forced upon the narrative film and turn away from the illusions that we believe we have in common and unmask them; to be able to turn our attention to what takes place nonetheless in each and one of us in a different way; is at the heart actually shared together.