Summer Film Festival 4 Elements


The media lie! Distrusting of the information that the mass media of various kind put on our tables, creating alternative information channels with limited life expectancy or credibility and insisting on the principles of privacy protection have lately moved from ‘the underground’ to ‘the mainstream’. They have become the themes of heated discussions and thanks to them, the POWER OF MEDIA has now become one of the most discussed topics.
Do the media lie? Do they just swiftly toy with our gullibility? What tools do they utilize? Will we see who is pulling the strings if we look up? Are conspiracy theories the modern mythology? Is paranoia the illness that plagues the well informed? Which of these ideas is more valid? The Winter Film Seminar may not answer all of these questions, but it will try to look at the topic from different sides and points of view. 4 Elements don’t lie. They admit that film, as a medium, is primarily a manifest of subjectivity. On its way from the point of realization in form of an audio-visual recording to its being perceived by the audience, reality undergoes some unarguable changes. To what extent can then film be trusted? And how about the television, the press and the internet? Can we trust 4 Elements even if they don’t lie?